10 Most Sustainable 酒庄 in 纳帕

  • 旅行
  • 2023年5月2日
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10 Most Sustainable 酒庄 in 纳帕

吉莉安·达拉著 2023年5月2日

Sustainability is a term that gets tossed around a lot these days, and through the noise the significance of the term can be lost. So, we wanted to recognize 10 ag体育正规 wineries that have successfully achieved and maintained sustainability initiatives, and highlight what exactly about their facilities, 葡萄园, 酿酒, 生产, and greater mission makes them so sustainable. Here are 10 sustainable wineries to visit in ag体育正规.

主街709号. 海伦娜, 94574, (707) 968-0625

Since its founding in 2004 by Gary Erickson and Kit Crawford, 克里夫家族酒庄 & 农场ag体育正规种植的有机葡萄酒和特色食品吸引了一批忠实的追随者.

从一开始, 克里夫家族酒庄一直坚定地致力于可持续发展的实践,以支持其人民, 地球, 和社区. 酒庄坚定不移地致力于这些价值观,为他们最近取得的B企业认证铺平了道路, a prestigious recognition demonstrated through their numerous initiatives. 这些举措包括为他们的有机认证葡萄园获得纳帕绿色葡萄园认证, operating the winery with 100% renewable electricity, 利用可重复使用的, 可回收的, or compostable shipping and packaging materials, 等. With this esteemed B Corp status, 克里夫家族酒庄现在加入了葡萄酒行业中少数几家获得这样荣誉的公司的行列.

图片由 马卡姆葡萄园

2812 St. 海伦娜 Highway North, 纳帕, CA 94574, (707) 963-5292

Renowned for its focus on Bordeaux varietals, notably Merlot, 马卡姆 encompasses over 260 acres in 纳帕’s Calistoga, AG体育平台, and Oak Knoll AVAs. Since being founded 45 years ago by Jean Laurent, who left Bordeaux for California originally in search of gold, 万锦酒庄延续了用优质葡萄酿造优质波尔多葡萄酒的传统.

Sustainable farming practices are at the heart of 马卡姆’s philosophy. 该酒庄通过采用几种可持续实践获得了纳帕绿色酒庄认证, 比如少耕, 种植覆盖作物, and water conservation efforts. 许多覆盖作物, planted between the 葡萄园, are pollinated by the winery’s own bees, which help to replenish the soil in a natural way. 除了, 风能和太阳能为酿酒过程提供动力,马卡姆的回收计划主要集中在美国.S. 做包装.

1473 AG体育平台 Cross Road, AG体育平台, CA 94599, (707) 944-8642

在葡萄酒世界中,以庄园的“岩石块”而闻名,这是一种献给一些创始人的葡萄块 悬崖导语在重新设计期间,cliff Lede葡萄园专注于从他们位于雄鹿跳跃区(Stags Leap District)的60英亩土地上生产葡萄酒.

In 2015, both their winery and 葡萄园 were awarded with a 纳帕 Green Certification, which recognizes farming and 生产 methods that meet and exceed more than 20 local, 状态, and federal “best practices.“其中一些做法包括转为免耕,以减少葡萄藤之间的侵蚀, recycling of winery process water for landscaping, 使用太阳能电池板减少90%的能源消耗,葡萄园工人全年受雇,享受全职就业福利.

松岭葡萄园, 图片由 Crimson 酒 Group

5901 Silverado Trail, 纳帕, CA 94558, (800) 575-9777

With such an extensive reach in ag体育正规松岭葡萄园 自1978年成立以来,已经投资了160英亩的葡萄园——酒庄觉得自己有责任管理这片土地.

内部的绿色团队不仅致力于保护葡萄园的生态系统,还致力于保护整个地区的生态系统,并获得了纳帕绿色认证. They follow Fish Friendly 农场ing practices, 雨水回收, reduce erosion by winterizing 葡萄园, and in the summer dry season, their vineyard roads are wetted down with organic wetting agents to control road dust. They also set their lights on a timer, use drip irrigation and 89% of their material is recycled or diverted from landfills.

图片由 大厅的葡萄酒

401 St. 海伦娜公路南,圣. 海伦娜, 94574, (707) 967-2626

虽然 大厅 may be globally distinguished for its quality and award-winning wines, they are as outstanding for their WE CARE commitment; believing in responsible entrepreneurship and giving back across the four categories of community, 艺术, responsible business practices, 和创业.

WE CARE包含了该家族在三个奢侈葡萄酒品牌中积极的绿色和可持续倡议, 大厅, 沃特, 和巴萨. Major sustainability achievements date back to 2009 when 大厅’s St. 海伦娜 property earned LEED Gold for its fully sustainable 生产 facility. Since then, 大厅 was also awarded LEED Gold Certification for its St. 海伦娜 tasting room and high-tech 生产 facility. 霍尔家族葡萄酒的12个庄园葡萄园获得了加州可持续葡萄酒种植联盟(CSWA)的可持续认证,其中三个葡萄园获得了CCOF的有机认证. 我们喜欢的另一个细节, every year all employees are given 40 hours to volunteer for a charitable organization.

3070 St. 圣海伦娜公路北. 海伦娜, 94574, (707) 963-1160

拥有和经营的 Trinchero家庭 自1948年以来,这个圣. 海伦娜-headquartered winery is the fourth largest winery in the U.S. and oversees more than 50 wine and spirits brands across its portfolio. 因此, it’s even more significant for them to commit to a sustainable future, which is exactly what they’ve done.

2017年7月, Trinchero家族地产在纳帕县(纳帕 County)的所有28个设施和葡萄园中,将所有的能源使用都转变为100%的深绿色可再生能源. Trinchero确保所有加州葡萄酒都来自可持续种植的葡萄园,并热衷于回馈社区,其中包括Sutter 首页 for Hope和Trinity Oaks的One Bottle One Tree计划.

A true garden-to-table experience. 图片由 圆塘邨 | Briana Marie Photography

875 卢瑟福 Road, 卢瑟福, CA 94573, (707) 302-2575

自20世纪80年代初以来, 圆形池塘 它在ag体育正规以其优质的酿酒葡萄而闻名,这些葡萄被卖给了该地区一些最受欢迎的酒庄,并以其极其有限的赤霞珠庄园生产而闻名.

Following the belief that “sustainable wines begin in the vineyard,” 圆塘邨 focuses on three prongs of sustainability—people, 的地方, 和目的. 他们为在纳帕绿色认证葡萄园工作的团队营造了一个积极和有教育意义的工作环境,并建立了一个永久的原生草作物覆盖来滋养他们的土壤(而不是使用耕作系统)。. 他们将葡萄渣堆肥,再利用来补充葡萄园土壤,并采用综合虫害管理. 在他们的建筑里, 圆形池塘 has upgraded their light fixtures to LED energy-efficient bulbs, reducing their kilowatt hours by 14%. And their purpose extends to supporting the local 纳帕 community, 遗产通过资助和宣传的方式回馈给阿尔茨海默氏症协会.

贝拉橡树, Courtesy of Matt Morris Films

1350 贝拉橡树 Lane, 纳帕, CA 94558

他的使命是保护纳帕最著名的单葡萄园赤霞珠的卢瑟福原址, 老板苏珊娜·迪尔·布斯已经在重建这片土地上取得了长足的进步.

It all started when Deal Booth acquired the 18-acre property in 2010, as she began a lengthy turnover and regeneration process of the 葡萄园; vines were replanted, 行方向调整, 土壤得到更新. By 2019, 贝拉橡树 完全转变为有机农业,并获得加州认证有机农民(CCOF)认证. 今天, the emphasis remains on organic farming as well as biodiversity, 鼓励庄园内生命的多样性,以保持葡萄周围的土地健康和繁荣.

图片由 凯德庄园酒庄

360 Howell Mountain Road S, Angwin, CA 94508, (707) 965-2746

从一开始, 这个酒庄的三位创始人设想了一个当代酒庄,将在美学和生态上尊重安格温土地.

酒庄98%的建筑材料是可回收的(包括天然隔热的发酵室和用蓝色牛仔裤等材料隔热的品酒室),是ag体育正规第一家获得LEED金牌认证的酒庄. 豪厄尔山庄园的葡萄园是有机种植的,并通过了CCOF认证,酒庄和土地都获得了纳帕绿色认证,以实现可持续发展和保护.

Spottswoode房地产 in ag体育正规, CA
图片由 Spottswoode房地产 在圣. 海伦娜,

圣马德罗纳大道1902号. 海伦娜, 94574, (707) 963-0134

Known for their serendipitous story—the first Cabernet Sauvignon was released in 1982, exactly 100 years after the e状态’s founding—Spottswoode房地产 honors its heritage as much as it’s committed to its future.

Having started organic farming in 1985, 该酒庄是ag体育正规最早获得CCOF认证的酒庄之一(1992年)。. The vineyard and winery are 纳帕 Green Certified and the e状态 is Certified Biodynamic, 利用生物动力学专家来确保葡萄园和周围的土地作为一个有生命的生态系统继续发挥作用.