How to Throw a Sparkling Wine Party in Six Simple Steps

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  • on NOVEMBER 11, 2021
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How to Throw a Sparkling Wine Party in Six Simple Steps

By Jess Lander November 11, 2021

这是一个灯光闪烁,夜晚舒适,香槟酒的季节. 起泡酒可以而且应该全年享用(不只是在新年和其他特殊场合)。, 但我们不能否认,它是特别为假日季节准备的. 所以,当你开始计划你的年度庆祝活动时,为什么不举办一个以起泡酒为主题的派对呢?

Nobody does it better than Napa’s iconic chateau, Domaine Carneros, 所以我们向他们请教了一些关于如何做出既优雅又完美的鸡尾酒的建议, easy, and fun. 引导你内心的奥黛丽·赫本,遵循这六个简单的步骤来度过一个愉快的时光.

Step 1: Select the wines

葡萄酒显然是你的起泡酒派对上最重要的组成部分,选择各种各样的葡萄酒不仅可以确保你为每个人都准备了一些东西, 但也要鼓励你的客人去探索不同风格的起泡酒.

You don’t have to splurge on expensive French Champagnes. 高品质的起泡酒可以在卡内罗斯庄园(Domaine Carneros)等酒庄以更平易近人的价格找到, which employ the same method traditionelle (意思是葡萄酒在瓶中进行第二次发酵),这是法国香槟酒厂使用的方法.

选择干型(如Ultra Brut)和甜型(如semi -sec)的葡萄酒。, or sparklings made with different grape varieties. For example, Blanc de Blancs, like Domaine Carneros’ Le Rêve, are crafted with 100 percent chardonnay grapes, 而黑白葡萄酒则完全由黑比诺葡萄制成. Others are blends. This Sparkling Classics trio is a great place to start, or opt for the Sumptuous Sparkling Sampler for something a little more special.

Domaine Carneros
Photo Courtesy of Domaine Carneros | Untapped Media and Pour Agency

要想在派对上真正讨喜,可以在混合中加入一些晚吐出来的起泡酒. 这些葡萄酒在瓶中的酒糟(酵母)上花的时间更长, which results in an added complexity and rich, nutty flavors.

在考虑为你的聚会买多少酒时, 请记住,每瓶起泡酒的产量约为八杯. Expect each guest to have at least one drink per hour, 所以把你的客人数乘以你的聚会时间, then divide that number by eight. 你也可以使用在线饮料计算器,比如这个 Evite.

It doesn’t hurt to add a few extra bottles. 没有什么比葡萄酒短缺和剩菜剩饭更能阻止美好时光的了, you get to drink it.

Step 2: Prepare simple, light bites

每个好的聚会都需要食物,但不要觉得有必要做得太过火. 这样做的目的是让你自己享受并与客人交流——而不是把你的整个假期都困在厨房里——所以保持简单,选择小口或开胃菜,这样可以快速准备,几乎不需要烹饪时间.

幸运的是,起泡酒是最容易搭配食物的葡萄酒之一. 它几乎可以和任何东西搭配,所以你不需要因为味道冲突而感到压力. Cheese and charcuterie never fail, but popcorn is another foolproof option that’s affordable, quick and easy, fun, and as a bonus, on theme with the popping of corks. 配上各种调味料,这样参加派对的人就可以尝试不同的搭配.

Domaine Carneros
Photo Courtesy of Domaine Carneros | Untapped Media and Pour Agency

But if you really want to get creative, 国际香料和咸味食物与起泡酒出奇地搭配, including caviar, chips, 亚洲和摩洛哥口味——如此之多,以至于卡内罗斯庄园甚至建造了一些 food and wine experiences around these, offered at their Carneros winery. 你可以在家里做一些有趣的东西, but if Moroccan food isn’t in your repertoire, just order takeout from your favorite, local spot, plate it, 没有人会知道他们的主人一整天都在厨房里忙着.

Step 3: Choose your glassware

有些人认为每种酒都需要一个特殊形状的酒杯, 但Domaine Carneros的团队并不认为把事情看得那么严重. 而笛子或杯(浅碗)传统上用于起泡酒, a standard wine glass will work just fine. 或者,混合搭配你的玻璃器皿,让事情变得轻松有趣.

Domaine Carneros sells a set of six 无茎,金色浮雕,混合图案的笛子,配一瓶勃艮第红酒. Or, you can check out this set of four elegantly etched flutes to go with your bubbly. 你也可以考虑挑选一些酒杯饰品来帮助你的客人记录他们的酒杯. This will save you time on dishes later.

Domaine Carneros
Photo Courtesy of Domaine Carneros | Untapped Media and Pour Agency

Step 4: Decorate

You can keep it simple when it comes to décor too. 鲜花和桌上的五彩纸屑会让派对更流行, as do gold, silver, and white ornaments and ribbon. For something unique that is sure to delight your guests, 把新鲜的玫瑰或你最喜欢的花冷冻在冰盘里,然后把这些花冰块放在冰箱或冰桶里. When your friends go to refresh their glass, they’ll be greeted by this beautiful, unexpected surprise. Here’s how to make your own floral ice cubes.

Domaine Carneros
Photo Courtesy of Domaine Carneros | Untapped Media and Pour Agency

Step 5: Make it interactive

在酒旁放置品酒记分卡(用笔),鼓励客人填写. These are a great tool for sparking conversations, so feel free to get creative or find some to print online. Conveniently, Domaine Carneros offers bubbly tasting cards you can print at home. 品尝记分卡会提示你的客人仔细地啜饮——考虑到颜色, aromas, 以及每种酒的口味——然后和其他客人讨论和辩论他们最喜欢的酒.

6. Be ready to serve

在你的酒会上,除了起泡酒之外,第二重要的原料就是冰块. Buy a lot of it, so that you don’t risk running out. Bubbly simply doesn’t taste good warm.

确保你手头有多个葡萄酒冷却器或冰桶,这样你就可以一次冷藏所有的葡萄酒. Check out this sleek and practical wine chiller from Domaine Carneros, 它能让你的瓶子保持冰凉长达9个小时(并不是说它能持续那么长时间),并在你家里留下印记. For multiple bottles, a large galvanized tub works, but if you want to go the most affordable route, simply use your kitchen sink! 把它擦洗干净,装满冰,然后把瓶子塞进去.

Domaine Carneros
Photo Courtesy of Domaine Carneros | Untapped Media and Pour Agency

Put your wine on ice long before your guests arrive, but if you’re running late or forget, 有一个简单的方法可以让你的葡萄酒在一半的时间内冷却. Add a few tablespoons of salt to your ice bucket, stir it occasionally, 大约15 - 20分钟后,瓶子就可以打开了.

Et voila! 现在你已经掌握了举办完美的起泡酒派对的所有基本技巧, 是时候打开瓶塞,用标签分享你的派对经历了 @domainecarneros. 当然,你不需要很多客人来举办这个季节的起泡酒派对. 事实上,在我们的书里,两个人在火炉前喝着香槟是完全可以接受的.

Domaine Carneros
Photo Courtesy of Domaine Carneros | Untapped Media and Pour Agency